SDSU AI Student Survey

The student survey on artificial intelligence (AI) was first administered at San Diego State University in Fall 2023, drawing a 21% response rate (n = 7,811). The survey was replicated in Fall 2024 to include faculty and staff (n = 2,004), as well as students (n = 10,162), for a campus response rate of 26% (n =  12,166).

The survey instrument asks students for basic demographic and educational background data, such as age, residency status, college, and years of study in their current program. Five Likert-style sections examine students' perceptions of AI along several dimensions: awareness and understanding of AI; experience and usage of AI; perceptions and attitudes towards AI; skills, education, and training in AI; and future expectations of AI. 

A screenshot of the 2024 SDSU AI Student Survey Dashboard displaying survey results for the question “AI technology is too complex for me to grasp.” The dashboard includes a table summarizing response data and a bar chart visualizing the percentage of responses. Filters for educational status, identity, and background are available below the survey results.
The AI Student Survey Dashboard is an interactive tool that provides access to quantitative (Likert) survey data, including filters for educational status and background.

Furthermore, an optional open-ended section provides students with the opportunity to share qualitative insights regarding the impact of AI on their education, their perception of AI's future role in their lives, and the specific AI tools they use.

This survey instrument provides a detailed summary of students' engagement with AI, offering a valuable resource for understanding their perspectives, knowledge, and expectations on AI in both educational and broader contexts. Survey results can illuminate the strengths and weaknesses of current programs, equity gaps, and areas of emphasis for both educators and administrators.